Butterfly Plants
Nursery Hours of Operation: Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Sunday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Butterfly Encounter Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Everyday (Last admission @ 3:30 PM)
For the safety of our staff and customers, we may close unexpectedly for inclement or severe weather conditions.
Types of Plants
Butterfly Host and Nectar Plants
Here is a partial list of some of the most popular plants that we offer, subject to seasonality and availability. Be sure to CONTACT US for our current inventory availability.
African Blue Basil |
Ageratum |
Angel Flower 'Angelonia' |
Black-eyed Susan 'Rudbeckia' |
Bulbine |
Bush Daisy |
Buttercup 'Turnera' |
Butterfly Bush |
Cassia 'Senna' |
Chaste Tree |
Citrus Trees |
Coontie |
Copperleaf Plant |
Coreopsis |
Cosmos |
Cuphea |
Dianthus |
Dill |
Duranta |
Dutchman Pipevine |
Echinacea 'Coneflower' |
Fennel |
Firebush |
Firecracker Plant |
Firespike |
Flame Vine |
Gaillardia 'Blanket Flower' |
Gaura |
Heliotrope |
Honeysuckle |
Lantana |
Lavender 'Lavandula' |
Lobelia |
Mexican Heather |
Mexican Petunia 'Ruellia' |
Mexican Sunflower 'Tithonia' |
Milkweed 'Asclepias' |
Panama Rose |
Parsley |
Passion Flower Vine |
Pawpaw |
Pentas |
Phlox |
Plumbago |
Porterweed |
Powderpuff |
Salvia |
Sassafrass |
Shrimp Plant |
Spicebush |
Spicy Jatropha |
Stokes Aster |
Sunflower |
Sweet Almond Bush |
Twinflower |
Verbena |
Weeping Willow |
Wild Coffee |
Wild Lime |
Yarrow |
Additional Information
More Information: can be found at the UF/IFAS Extension website.
Planting Guides
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FL Nursery Registration # 02310000
FL Agricultural Dealer License # AD1007
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