Nursery Hours of Operation: Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Sunday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Butterfly Encounter Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Everyday (Last admission @ 3:30 PM)
For the safety of our staff and customers, we may close unexpectedly for inclement or severe weather conditions.
Types of Plants
Here is a partial list of some of the most popular plants that we offer, subject to seasonality and availability. Be sure to CONTACT US for our current inventory availability.
Shade Trees |
Bald Cypress |
Drake Elm |
Japanese Blueberry |
Live Oak |
Nutall Oak |
Pine Tree |
Red Cedar |
Red Maple |
River Birch |
Shumard Oak |
Sweet Gum |
Sycamore |
Tulip Poplar |
Weeping Willow |
Winged Elm |
Flowering Trees |
Bottlebrush |
Chaste Tree |
Chickasaw Plum |
Chinese Fringe |
Crape Myrtle |
Dogwood (White only) |
Eastern Red Bud |
Golden Rain Tree |
Hong Kong Orchid Tree |
Hummingbird Tree |
Jacaranda |
Joy Perfume Tree |
Magnolia |
Mahoe Tree |
Martha Jane Flowering Nectarine |
Mimosa 'Chocolate' |
Poinciana |
Red Bud |
Red Orchid Bush |
Silk Floss Tree |
St. Lukes Flowering Plum |
Taiwan Flowering Cherry |
Tibouchina 'Princess Flower' |
Trumpet Tree 'Tabebuia' |
Ylang Ylang |
Ornamental Trees |
Allspice |
Arizona Cypress |
Bay Leaf Tree 'Sweet Bay' |
Cinnamon Tree |
Eucalyptus |
Holly |
Indian Hawthorn 'Majestic Beauty' |
Italian Cypress |
Juniper |
Ligustrum |
Mast Tree |
Norfolk Island Pine |
Red Cedar |
Screwpine |
SnailSeed Tree |
Texas Wild Olive |
Topiaries |
Additional Information
More Information: can be found at the UF/IFAS Extension website.
Planting Guides
Here are just a few of our many Lawn & Garden Suppliers

FL Nursery Registration # 02310000
FL Agricultural Dealer License # AD1007
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